Always ask an experienced lawyer for advice!

Every legal situation is unique and unique, and although you may sometimes get the impression that it is a typical situation, this is misleading.

Laws are constantly changing and being amended. It is therefore important to constantly update yourself and keep abreast of developments in the legal landscape.


Legal analysis of documents

Each legal situation is unique, and the initial consultation assesses possible solutions and presents the way forward. Additional evidence and documents will necessarily be required for the analysis.

Drafting of documents

There is a lot of information and many sample contracts available on the internet, but they may not reflect the points or advice that the client needs. Therefore, before entering into a contract, it is important to have the contract reviewed by a lawyer, who will correct any errors and advise on how to ensure that the contract guarantees the client's rights and obligations under the law.

Representation in court proceedings

The court requires that documents submitted to the court meet formal requirements. The court documents must set out the case precisely, concisely and clearly, so that there is a logical and reasoned body of evidence. This is what a lawyer does for you.

Contact and address service

Provision of an address and contact person service to non-residents. For this purpose, the law firm holds a licence (No. FIU000169) for the provision of legal address, service and management of trusts and companies.

Collection and enforcement services

Debt recovery, one of the oldest legal services. Judgments and other enforcement orders can be reversed not only in the country where they were issued, but also in other countries.

Alternative dispute resolution

If negotiating and reaching an agreement between you and your lawyer has not helped, you may want to involve a lawyer who has detailed knowledge of the legal system and can help protect your interests and find the necessary compromises. Unlike public general court proceedings, conciliation is a confidential and faster way of resolving disputes.

The firm provides legal advice in the following areas of law:

Contract and Debt law

Legal assistance and dispute resolution in the field of debt law is an important part of the Office's activities. I draft and analyse contracts, represent clients in the conclusion and performance of contracts and resolve disputes arising from contracts.

Family law

Family law is a very specific area requiring specialised knowledge. I mainly deal with the division of joint property, guardianship and disputes concerning the relationship with children.

Labour law, Disputes before the Labour Dispute Board

I advise employees and employers and represent them in Labour Disputes Committee disputes and in courts.

Civil procedure Administrative procedure Enforcement procedure

Represent clients in court, out-of-court and enforcement proceedings.

Business law, Formation, acquisition and merger of companies

I advise clients on the incorporation, division, merger and liquidation of companies, as well as on the acquisition and sale of company shares and prepare the necessary contracts and other documents. I develop the appropriate structure for the business.


Nõustan kliente pärimisega seonduvates küsimustes ning esindan neid pärandvara jagamisel tekkinud vaidlustes. Pärimismenetlus on väga spetsiifiline valdkond, kus on väga oluline situatsiooni analüüs ning õige sidemete tuvastamine.

Population and Migration law

I advise clients on immigration law and assist with the submission of the necessary documents. Residence permits, marriage with foreigners, citizenship issues.

Weapons law, permits, licences, AML and other services

I advise clients on gun applications, renewals and represent clients in disputes with the Police. I advise on the application for various financial and business licences. Anti Money Laundering (AML) and Know your Customer (KYC).

Law of Property Act

I advise clients in the field of real estate transactions, real estate transactions, dealing with notaries, the land registry and local authorities, as well as in the resolution of pre-litigation and litigation disputes arising in the course of real estate transactions.